[Harp-L] Harmonicas

I have used MANY harmonicas, during my carear as a harmonica player... Some 
 good, some bad...
But when I STARTED harp playing, in England, there were ONLY HOHNERS  
(Availble in England)
And heavens above!
HOHNER WERE SO ARROGENT back in the 1960s.
I used to buy Hohner harmonicas, by the dozen wholesale... Why? BECAUSE  
THEY BLEW Out after just a very short time... But Hohner said "NO...  You 
can't buy our instruments wholesale any more... Go to your local music shop  and 
pay FULL PRICE... 
Well... I'd say that was the MOST STUPID  thing that any company EVER  
I was buying lots of instruments., direct from Hohner, back in the 1960s.. 
Some IDIOT in London  decided... NO... I was simply a  teenager of no 
importance... I was told to buy my instruments, at retail  price... From local 
music stores... "I WAS BUYING DOZENS AT A TIME"... Hohner's  staff in London 
at that time, were simply,  "BONKERS"...
I used to buy "Echo Vampers" and "Echo Super Vampers" ... 12 and 10  whole 
"Marine Bands" sold in Europe under a different name... BUY THE DOZEN,  from 
Hohner Wholesale... That made these particular harmonicas  
affordable.buying them by the dozen. THE BLEW OUT AFTER JUST A FEW HOURS!.
BUT I was FORBIDDEN TO BUY WHOLESALE? WHY? I was purchasing dozens of  
harmonicas at a time!
( I had money in those days)
Please... forgive that idiot at Hohner in London England, back in the late  
Now we have many options.
I still like Hohners
I have got used to their idiosyncrasies.
But, perhaps that is simply because "Hohner" is the harmonica I'm used  
Now Thank GOODNESS.. We have alternatives.
I am just so HAPPY we now have CHOICE...
What is the saying about a company... Hohner...run by "Turkeys" and not  
That seems to sum up Hohner..
Hohner? A company run by TURKEYS... Who still... sometimes... make good  
John "Whiteboy" Walden
Cebu City

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